Your Sacred vortex
Lake Atitlán was created approximately 85,000 years ago in the wake of a volcanic eruption.
The lake has a mythic history known to have been a place of spiritual pilgrimage where ancient mayans would ferry a boat out to a temple now covered by the flood waters created by the volcanic eruption. Like the magical city of Atlantis, Atitlan is place of wonder and mystery, capturing the imaginations of all who enter.
GAIA DANCE TEMPLE is a Sanctuary. A Safe, Magical, Unique environment, a Peaceful Place on Sacred Land which holds space for Spiritual Growth, Healing, and Transformation.
Located on the Sacred Lake Atitlan, nestled in Tzununa next door to FungiAcademy
The Gaia Dance Temple is a special place, inspiring others to live in a more sustainable way, in harmony with Mother Earth.
This will also serve as our ceremony space with access to a beautiful river and a vibrant community.

Atitlantis 2021: What was it like?
Wow, what an epic experience learning how to grow mushrooms in the beautiful and historical Mayan land of Guatemala. I spent a week learning during the "Cosmic Cultivators" course, "Atitlantis," with @denvermycology and @fungiacademy. I connected with so many magical people & left feeling so inspired to change the world! We learned how to grow and cultivate various mushrooms, how to transfer spawn or agar, how to grown oysters outside, the benefits of micro-dosing, and how to hold space for someone during a trip. We took a trip to the Guatemalan jungle to visit an all women's Cacao farm collective and learned the process of growing/harvesting and preparing organic cacao with Cacao Source. We took an inspiring tour of an epic permaculture farm (it really gave you hope that anything was possible) Granja Tzikin. I stayed on the third floor of a bamboo temple at Lake Atitlan and had evening views w/my roomies of the volcano/lava erupting.
It was quite the sight to see! We even ended with an epic ceremony complete with fire jam. (I got into the zone and played the maraca for a couple hours) Thank you Chris and Harmony Rose for holding it down. Thanks for all the space holders, for the staff, for the chefs, for the tour guides. I can't wait to come back!!

Harmony Rose
A long time resident and ceremonialist living here at the Lake. She fully believes in the power of Nature and Sound, especially combined with plant medicine, to activate and inspire personal growth and healing.
Working with natural elements, prayer and music is her passion, and being able to share the magic with others is her highest calling. As a co-founder of Atitlantis, it is her greatest joy and honor to have the opportunity to share the mycelial message with anyone who seeks it.
Zana Prana - A New Zealand born & raised life enthusiast travelling for the last 11 years, diving deep into the realms of Sound Alchemy, Ceremony, Dance, Yoga and Event Production.
Whilst managing the flowstate of events at Gaia Dance Temple, Zana’s deepest passion is curating sonic journeys through vocal harmonies, digital soundscapes and live instruments, to provide a deeply transformative experience to activate and liberate humans into their truest essence of self.
Through sound alchemy, yoga, mushrooms, music, body art, movement and meditation, She has created a unique expression that combines all into a transformative journey that activates and liberates the inner rhythm of the soul.

Chris - Denver Mycology
Learn more about him here